Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Why... Why are phones soooo necessary anymore?  

Who the heck came up with this bright idea to put the internet into the thing you call people from, and then encase it with a glass screen??  UGH!  

Anyway... I never had a single problem with my iPhone 4.  Then I got the 5s.... and I replaced that screen- TWICE.  Then it broke a 3rd time.  Yes, I had a glass protector on the front and it was in an otterbox.   JUNK.  Not only did the screen break, but the stupid phone was bent.  BENT.  How does a phone bend?  UGH.  I'm not hard on them, I promise.   Anyway, I had to get another new phone.  So this time I opted for the iPhone 6.  And thank goodness for reviewing- because I didn't have to pay for tempered glass screen protectors or for cases!    Here are a few reviews for your enjoyment!



Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cheerleading Crazy?!?!?!?!

NEVER in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined myself as a cheer coach.  NEVER.  I spent most of my crazy life disliking cheerleaders.   But when my kids want something, I find myself reevaluating everything I ever thought was true.

For the last 2 years my DD has loved Cheerleading.  I'll never tell her I'm not a fan.   Let her have her dreams and soar, right??

Anyway, the coaches sucked.  Completely horrible.  Disorganized chaos.  Last season we cheered 3 games without uniforms because they didn't order soon enough.  They didn't want to travel, because it was too far and too much work.  They did not listen to me when I told them there was a banquet coming and to inform the parents ahead of time (I'm also a football mom, so I have info from the other side).  They didn't even schedule pictures and I found myself big, fat, cranky, and pregnant, crouching into uncomfortable positions at the beginning of the banquet to get some assembly of a portrait for the parents.   UGH.

Well, this year came.  And somehow, even with a 9 month old CRAZY baby in my arms, I pushed in and with the help of a lovely woman (who is an awesome retired cheerleader) and another mom, we took over.  Its sort of been chaos as well- picking up in the middle and correcting mistakes, stupid warmup order that fit noone, and trying to find our groove.  And now I'm finding myself learning cheers.  What the heck?!?!?  Not what I imagined I would ever do.  But I would do anything for my crazy kids.....  Welcome to the next chapter in our life.   And enjoy this awesome candid shot by one of the parents during our actual PROFESSIONAL photo shoot!